Offer For The Purchase and Sale of Real Property

To __________________________

The undersigned hereby offers ___________Dollars ($ ) for the purchase of
the property located at _________________________________________and
more particularly described as:

This offer is contingent on the following terms:

1. ___________________ Dollars ($ ) shall be paid as a deposit, with the
remaining balance to be paid as follows:

2. Rents, taxes, insurance, expenses of operation and maintenance shall
be prorated as of close of escrow.

3. The seller shall furnish a policy of title insurance.

Enclosed is cashier’s check #________ on _____________________________
(bank) for __________________ Dollars ($ ) representing my offer of a

This offer is withdrawn if not accepted by ___________(date). If you do
not accept this offer on or before said date, you are instructed to
return the deposit immediately.

Title shall be conveyed by warranty deed to ___________________________
(name) and ________________________________ (name) as _________________
(joint tenants, tenants in common, etc.)








I accept the attached offer for the purchase of real property. Receipt
of ___________ Dollars ($ ) is acknowledged as a deposit.




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